I would suspect that all of the P. xintermedia that we find for sale are man made crosses, however, how do we know which is which? Since a wild colony exists it is possible that some have been collected and have reached the retail market.
I suggest that all man made crosses be stamped on the back of the lip "Made in Tiwan".
SUE: Take 10 deep breaths and work on how we can get the Dtps. from being used when referring to Phals.
Anyway, we digress from the original post. Wendy, you have a beautiful plant and can be proud of your growing skills.
Originally Posted by Wendy
Yes, it is xintermedia IF it is a natural hybrid found in nature. If it is a man made cross (of aphrodite and equestris) it becomes a hybrid and the name becomes capitalized...Intermedia. I have come to know this through showing this plant...it was accidently entered in the species class once and I was told that because it was a man made cross, (not a wild collected plant) it was a hybrid.