Pics of my Phal. Barbara Baldan's Mandarin Fancy outdoor orchid
Hi everyone. Here's some pics of my Barbara Baldan's Mandarin Fancy. It's hanging on my mango tree in the backyard. I purchased the plant in July 2008. I had put it in a 10" vanda basket, but it was busting out of it. So I changed it into a 16" one. Hopefully that will take care of it for a while. Anyway, I hope you all enjoy the pics.
Peeweelovesbooks, it is just absolutely beautiful!!
Do you spay your vanda and phal and if yes how often?
Now I understand what you meant “attached it to a hook” That is a fabulous idea
They get watered every day!! Sometimes 2x daily- morning and late afternoon, but usually only once during weekdays (I leave my house at 4:30am, so no early morning watering for me).
I like the bare-root idea much more than the vanda basket for the vandas.