Hi, does anyone know if the Phalaenopsis cornu-cervi needs a shallow pot to be happy? Would a net pot be better than the traditional type of pot?
Right now this little guy is in a really shallow pot and the roots are all over the place. I was going to repot it in a slightly larger pot and one that was more appropriate to sit on the bench. When I got the plant I hung it on a small hook and treated it like a little mountie; it really liked that but if I am going to keep doing this the plant needs to be better anchored in the pot as its turned a little sideways.
I've always found cornucervi to be a tough little plant. Mine have done well in different types of pots, but usually I use a pot that is roughly the same depth as width. Air roots are a good thing, and a good sign. Is the plant secure in the pot it's in now? Have the roots anchored themselves to the pot? Or does it feel loose in the pot? If it feels loose you might want to repot it more securely, or simply stake it so that you can secure it with ties until it gets a good grip.
No I don't think they need a shallow pot to be happy, but they do love to send they're roots all over the place. It would be a good orchid to mount.
My is in the average size standard plastic pot, most of the roots are inside the pot.
Perhaps a deeper pot might be a good idea.
Wonderful 'chid to grow!
ya i agree. as long itz stable, i'd let it do watever it wants. it has just as many new roots in the air as it does in the pot. i just use a 4x4x5" tupperware with holes at the btm
Treat the cornu like any other phal - it has no special requirements. The size of the pot is decided by the amount of roots. All phals appreciate a slightly more shallow pot because they grow better with inert material in the bottom of the pot insure fast drainage.