Greenbean, the reason they are spiking is that they spent the summer (june to end of august) in france behind a south facing window. They were getting strong filtered light (there is a huge buddleya bush if front of the window.) Without that sunny summer, I doubt they would have spiked. But my orchids really don't like the north facing window. They are all pouting, except the phals. I need lights, but just can't afford them. I'm going to try to switch to a room facing south or west. You don't have all your orchids with you?
I will be posting
very soon! Brother Spring Dancer has 7 of 20 buds now open, Pink Panther has 2/4 in bloom on one spike, none on the other spike yet. Mini Mark is full of buds, it should bloom within two weeks I think. It's so unfair that they will be in full bloom just when I go home for x-mas break! At home in France I left 2 phals, and one of them is full of buds. Can't wait to see it!