That's whats got me baffled (using Sues word if I may.
), it just happened within a week, was not like that last week when I watered. It gets good air circulation, it is not mushy, actually tried to tug on it and see but would not come apart, so that is a good thing. The phal is in its original medium from when I bought it and this is one of the plants I was going to move to a mount due to the amount of roots shooting from her (personal gender choosen) and looking root-bound. The roots are very healthy within the pot, they are what I like to say as being nosy (close to the wall of the clear pot). There are 4 new roots shooting out around this leaf.
The third picture was taken because your right Dave the discoloration...this is what is concerning me, is this isolated or is this other leaf showing stress and am I going to loose it.
Should I wait to see what happens before mounting it? or take the change and make the move.