Awwww, you ALL are sooooo Awesome!!!! I thank the Good Lord Every single day I googled for Chid Help, and found you ALL
I'm glad you love the color!! As I was truly diggin' that HOT PINK!! The unusual color I'd never have in a Chid! That's the only reason I bought her! But maybe you all are right, and she'll change in the days to come.
I don't think our tube colors are different, as Elliot (InspirChid) hit it on the head!! Rasberry/Cherry Sogo!! That's the color we All see right now!
I noticed the day I got in the mail, the tag on it said, in small print, "waxy, RED". I thought, Hmmmmm, I didn't order RED. I ordered HOT PINK, as the picture showed. But Oh well, she's still a pretty baby. Just not the Hot to Trot Pink I thought she'd be
I'll maybe take our Super Duper Helper Ms. Dorothy's advice, and go buy the 'real' Hot Pink Phal Pulchra from all the sites you gaves us! Thanks for all those Dorothy
And yes, Jkelee is Jacqueline Lea, for short!
Just a nickname my family gave me when I was a little girl
Thanks for ALL your kind words!!
That's what we all need at times