Sure. First of all, welcome. I'm sure you'll find this place to be very friendly and laid-back. Great info too.
Is that one or two plants? Looks like two potted together. They don't look too bad, I've seen (and had) much worse. These are both Phalaenopsis or Phals. They are relatively easy to care for. They like bright indirect light. No full, direct sun, but not in the dark either. Early morning sun from a steep angle is ok, like an east window. A bright north window will do as well.
They love warm and humid conditions, and love moisture, but they are epiphytes. Growing on tree limbs, their roots get LOTS of air flow. So keeping the medium soggy will rot the roots away. You did the right thing getting it out of that old medium.
So - here's what I'd do:
First, I'd get two smaller pots. I like the plain old terra cotta orchid pots. You want them to have a little room to grow for a year or two. By then the new medium will have broken down. Then I'd unpot the new orchid(s). Look to see if there are any mushy brown roots. You'll want to cut those off with a clean tool. Pot up the two individually, or closer together so you can use a smaller pot. Oversized pots will dry on top, bet stay wet on the bottom where there are no roots. You can probably use the same media since it's really still new, but this is kind of a no-no. They say to use fresh stuff every time, but your'e just re-doing it so it should be ok. I'd soak the medium overnight too to help really soak it.
Water just about once every 5 to 7 days. Mine love the heat outside, but they dry out faster. If you put them outside, be careful of direct sun, it can melt a leaf in minutes. Whew! sorry for the lengthy response, 5 people may have responded by now!