I had been requested to give my top 10 Phals I have yet to acquire .. Which ones do you desire???
Here is my top 10 for now as it is always due to change ...
Not in any particular order -
Phal Sweet Memory -
Phalaenopsis Sweet Memory
Phal Miva Fragrance -
Phalaenopsis Miva Fragrance - Google Image Search
Phal Liodoro -
Phalaenopsis Liodoro - Orchids of The World
Phal equestris var. formosum 'Montclair'
Phal violacea 'Gulf Stream Blue' JC/AOS - see the following link
Phal violacea 'Summer Snow' -
Phalaenopsis violacea
Phal Bella Donna (fragrant) -
Orchid Web: Phal. Bella Donna
Phal (Golden Omni x Flight of Birds) x Green Delight -
Ironwood Estate Orchids Phalaenopsis
Phal stobartiana -
Phal. violacea x Phal. Goldberry 'Clear Sun' -
Phal Lin Jessica X Bon Desert Glow - see the following link
Phal Kate Morris 'Burnished Copper' -
Seagrove Orchids Phalaenopsis Vanda Ascocenda Doritis Rhyncostylis Phal Renanthera
Those are just off the top of my head and list .. but there are quite a few others ..