Think I got a problem. Please help!
I have a little phalaenopsis, and i accidently left it near my window sill. Somehow, I think the sun shined on one of the leaves considering I left the windows cover with a curtain. One of the leaves turned yellow. I guessed it was burned so I cut it off. A few days later, another leaf started streeking yellow from the end were it touches the stem. It started soft and kept getting more yellow as it progressed. I'm worried it's going to die. What might it be, and what can I do? I have just added pictures.
What location does this window face? How many leaves do you have left? Is the crown area soft?
If indeed it is sun damage, theres very little you can do about it - 'cept take off the very damage leaves and wait for new growth, assuming we are talking sun damage and not something else.
Take a look at the following links and see if that helps you out in the picture posting department. If you still are unable to do it just let us know and someone will help you out!
The lower leaf will likey shed itself, it's very close to the grown edge. The other 2 leafs look fine to me. All the same I would cut the spike and put it in some water and allow the plant to throw out some new leafs. Spikes take alot of energy from the plants.
Thanks! One more thing if it isn't a problem. The spike is still growing flower buds, if indeed you recommend I cut the spike, how should I cut it? I forgot to mention I'm just a beginner.