There are some commercial growers that try to grow the peloric mutation as a unique selling feature but it's an unstable occurence and the flowers can go back to normal flowering .. Peloric stability occurs more frequently when it's in it's lineage but there is no guarentee that they will stay peloric ..
I do have a Phal equestris 'Gino' peloric JC/AOS .. and so far out of 2 different bloomings, they remained peloric but we'll see
I bid on the P Species Peliric 'Gino' JC/AOS on Christmas and won 2 from Baldans. I have 1 that is Peloric and 1 that is non-peloric. When I got them the roots were really great and they were in bloom. They also have SPECIE RIVERBEND AM/AOS X ZUMA BEACH PELORIC up on their auction now. They keiki often and Baldans has them frequently on Ebay. I check them out alot since they have such nice phals. You can also order them from their website but you can pick up some great buys from them on Ebay.
Have fun shopping, I do.
Well its in bloom again just short of a year since I first got it in flower and Yep! its still peloric I had to help it open the hooks on the ends of the pedals where catching each other and once I unhooked them it sprang open.