Several months ago, I purchased this Phal equestris var. Coerulea (blue form), "as is" due to excessive light exposure. The little phal appears to be doing ok, new leaf start, and the odd little structure coming from the main stem. Can't be a keike can it?
Small but healthy. I would not have thought enough to start a keike. Perhaps the stress of shipping, transplant, and overexposure. I can't see trying to divide at this time. Just let things develop, and see what happens?
That’s a basal growth. We call them keikis for simplicity but in your case, it’s all the same plant. Definitely don’t try to divide it. Enjoy the show.
Yep, basal growth. Some people call them basal keikis, but they're different as they share a root system with the main plant and really should not be separated for that reason. Plus the main plant is putting out new leaves. All good news!