My friend who works for a supermarked that sells phals got this plant for free and gave it to me. There was no ID provided and I've never seen it in bloom. My friend believes it produces white blooms.
This is my hardest rescue as of yet. It's been sitting for at least 3 months in sphagnum moss, in this glass decorative pot with no drainage holes. It had just 3 air roots. One is growing from a spot that a spike would be expected and the other was long and bendy enough to carefully have it sit inside the sphagnum moss. It absored water in a short time frame, don't recall exactly how short though. Nothing weird about the 3rd one. It just lost it's oldest leaf which was about the same size as the other 2 big ones. The small leaves haven't grown at all since I got it and one of them is cracked. I have inveted a bag over it like Ray suggests in so many threads and I'm also using kelpak. It looks like it had an old spike cut off when blooms fell off.
Like the title says, are the growths circled in red new roots or "old-new" roots that failed to grow? both were covered by the recently lost leaf so I've no idea if they were there when I received the plant or not.

, let this be a positive sign!
Thanks in advance!
PS. Hopefully I created this in the proper place. If not, moderators, feel free to move it accordingly. Sorry for any trouble.
PS2. Please forgive any mistakes in this text, I am not a native speaker.