Are you using the macro feature on your camera? On my camera it's a little button that looks like a flower. When macro is on you can get those really tight shots without the blur.
If you look at your pictures, the background is the clear part, but the close, main 'part' of the picture is blurry! I would suggest finding the 'macro' setting as well. good luck
Your plants all look wonderful but I agree they'd look even better if the pics were sharper. If you are using an "all auto" digital, you may have to change the setting to a "close-up" setting, usually represented by a "flower icon". I use a digital but only in the all manual settings because I like to "pick" my f-stop and shutter speed as well as what portion of the flower/pic I want to focus in on....
Thanks everyone for the info on the digital camera and using the Macro button. I am going to take a few more and see how that works so here goes
OK I took and only one didn't come out good but the other look great. The 3rd was of a NUBBIN coming from the first orchid Phal. Brother Little Yellowboy. It has been in S/H medium for about a month
Thank you for helping me get this taking right I learn something new everyday on OB
TTFN - Sheridan
Last edited by Ranchnanny; 11-05-2011 at 09:19 PM..
Very beautiful new phals Sheridan. They are just so cute! The new pics came out great! Another tip when you use the macro or close up setting is that you have to be careful you don't move at all when you take the shot. Sometimes I prop my elbows on something while I take the pic to prevent shake. Of course a tripod would work perfectly but I'm not that far into it yet. So maybe that happened with the nubbin pic but the rest are perfect!