Mini Phalaenopsis Taisuco Jasper
This is a very unusual mini that I'm liking more and more the longer I own it. The hybrid name is relatively new, but it has popping up for sale then disappearing again frequently. I'm not sure if there is a clonal name, but the flowers on the plants for sale look extremely consistent. The genetics are:
Phal. Sogo Medal x Phal. pulcherrima
Phal. pulcherrima (50%) + Phal. amboinensis (16%) + Phal. venosa (13%) + Phal. rimestadiana (8%)
The plant I purchased on Etsy was in flower when I received it July 1, 2021. I cut the spike when it finished and it promptly flowered again from the old spike. Now, it has two nice new big spikes with flowers about open. This one is amazingly fast growing. The flowers are not as long-lasting as the minis with heavy substance and full size phals, but they keep coming.
Last edited by K-Sci; 01-13-2022 at 12:59 AM..