My orchids have been nice to my while I had no access to OB. As I mentioned in previous threads, my Phal. 'Brother Spring Dancer' grew a keiki. About a month ago I cut it off and potted it in bark.
Obviously it enjoys it and put out 3 new roots and yesterday I noticed a little nubbin. It looks suspiciously like a spike, but would a 6 month old keiki already bloom? (FYI, this is the keiki that bloomed while on the plant, when it was 3 months old!) Maybe Her Royal Nubbinness Queen Dorothy will know what it is!!
__________________ Camille
Completely orchid obsessed and loving every minute of it....
There are some phals, like my equestris that have grown spikes at a 'young' age .. so yes, Camille, your nubbin could very well be a spike
I have seen pictures of blooming keikis still on the mother's spike ..
Why this occurs at an age where most orchids may not see a spike for years ...
Guess they are just ready
Wow .. that nubbin could very well be a spike !
but .. you'll (we'll) see in time