I joined this forum about a week ago and this is my first post so please

bear with my novice descriptions!!!
I bought my first Phal. about 3 weeks ago. I'm not a huge houseplant person but this pretty little thing just SPOKE to me and I had to bring her home!! Now I understand why people get so addicted to these things. There is such a beautiful grace about orchids I never really noticed before. Anyway, about my Amabilis: she looks quite healthy, I keep her in a south east facing window with (what seems to me) perfectly filitered light. She's about 20", with what I think is a 6" keiki coming out at about the 8" mark. When I bought her, she had 1 flower open with a few (2-3) buds. Now she has about 8 buds, 3 of them are absolutely huge (well to me anyway!) and look like they are ready to pop. The keiki has about 5 buds, 2 of which are fairly large as well. The few inches of the stem where the buds are seem to be a purplish green. The main question I have is what can I do, if anything, to help these buds open? The weather here in coastal Virginia has been very cloudy for about a week or more so she really hasn't received a lot of sun. I just ordered some 20-20-20 Growmore Orchid Fertilizer--will this help?
Also, she's planted in a small, 4-1/2" round terra cotta planter, so I can't really see the roots. She's pretty packed in and I'm afraid to take her out to check them. It looks like sp. moss she's planted in. Should I consider repotting her, if so, when?
My digital camera is on the fritz right now so I can't post a picture. At any rate, any help you can provide would be appreciated