I bought the large standard white-flowered Phalaenopsis White Dream 'V3' AM/AOS a few years back as a very inexpensive sale plant from Orchids by Hausermann. They usually have them in the sale area. It came as a very large plant in a 6" pot, much larger than I expected, with multiple old, cut flower spikes.
It grew well here. Unfortunately pack rats think it's tasty. They ate off most of the roots, chewed leaves and transected the stem. This is what I have now.
I'm going to rejuvenate it. I'll post photos from time to time of how it's doing.
Today I trimmed the stem. I will soak it for a few hours in a solution containing KelpMax, Inocucor and about 50ppm nitrogen 20-20-20 fertilizer. I think Inocucor is no longer available, but First Ray's carries a probiotic replacement.
Then I will put it into semi/hydroponics. This method works extremely well for me here with Phals. The ones not rat-chewed almost always carry at least 8 leaves, and flower well.