I've started building my phal collection, and I don't have many yet. We're coming into summer phal season, so there are more showing up for sale—a lot more, and I'm not sure which from a section I should add to my collection first. I'm hoping you all might have some recommendations for the next two (maybe three?

) to get.
As a note, I'm also looking toward eventually trying pollination and flasks, too, so if there are phals I should have in my collection for that reason, let me know!
Here are the ones I have to pick from:
- Phalaenopsis schilleriana
- Phalaenopsis Zuma's Pixie x Taida Pearl
- Phalaenopsis Yaphon Beginning of Life (Yaphon Luedde-Star x gigantea)
- Phalaenopsis YangYang Gigan Cherry (Jong's Gigan Cherry 'Prince' x gigantea)
- Phalaenopsis Yaphon Boss (Chienlung Sweetheart × gigantea)
- Phalaenopsis Yaphon Super Jaguar
I realize it might be tough to make suggestions based solely on the names with no pictures, but if something does jump out at you, or you have recommendations of phals I don't have on that list, I would love to hear which!
Thanks in advance!