I'm not convinced that repotting phals in bloom will harm the blooms.
Of course, I don't do it, just to be safe, but I did immediately repot a mini as soon as I got it home because it really needed it. That little one is happy as can be and the flowers are still all there almost two months later. So it worked just fine and no damage to that one.
Phals in particular don't seem to care when they are repotted. With flowers that last for months, best not to wait! And some other genera root and bloom at the same time (like some Catts) - repot based on the rooting, I have also found that the blooms don't seem to be affected. I think the main hazard to blooms on repotting is mechanical - if you have to beat up a plant to get it out of the pot and/or divide it, tricky to not break flowers or spikes. The ones that unpot easily, just be gentle.