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04-01-2008, 05:28 PM
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Please help our Phals :(
 guys! I suscribed the following thread because I was facing a similar problem as the user who started it.
When it comes to Phals you are the experts  so I thought I'd try to persuade you into taking a look at the thread  and help out a couple of phal lovers?
Help! moldy roots on Phal ambilis, possibly potted incorrectly
Thank you in advance 

04-01-2008, 08:34 PM
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Hi, priz. Well, I read your posts about your phal on the older thread.
I have never had luck with phals in s/h, tho I know some people swear by it. At any rate, I would advise against s/h. I don't think it's a novice's medium because you start off with the old roots having to die.
Some people recommend bark for phals, but I like sphag in a loose wrap. I hit on this after finding that sphag was a really great medium for reviving phals with problem roots. But I don't use it packed tight in the pot, just fluffed in around the roots.
I grow a large number of phals successfully in loose sphag. Sphag is a medium that retains retains both moisture and air, and when it's fresh and fluffy, nothing beats it for phals, IMO.
I repot every new phals I get within a few days, whatever it's potted in. I want to check the roots-- they're the heart and lungs of the plant. And I want it in the same conditions I use for my others, so I'll know how to water it.
I repot even if it's in spike. It's not a problem if you can keep from bashing the spike around as you handle it.
I agree with the advice to give a soak in KLN or other liquid rooting hormone. (And also to water with it while your plant is getting established). This stuff works wonders.
Your success rate with orchids will definitely improve from using it.
I would also recommend reading the culture notes written by Peter Lin of Big Leaf Orchids. They are written especially for new indoor phal growers. Culture notes at Bedford Orchids and the Canadian Orchid Congress are also very good.
A few minutes spent reading at these sites will repay you in confidence in your growing, and in thriving and blooming phals.
Last edited by mehitabel; 04-01-2008 at 08:49 PM..

04-02-2008, 01:13 PM
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Thank you mehitabel, I am sooo scared of moss, being a newbie and having the tendency to overwater I really wanted to try something that would prenvent me from doing so, hence my phal in s/h, but since I haven't got the hang of anything, my other phal is still in bark, but call me crazy it might have liked the moss better
Thank you for your recommendation, I will considerate for future orchids, or who knows I might pot mine back in moss, like they came in the first place.
Thank you!

04-02-2008, 04:52 PM
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I grow all my Phals. in moss except for a few that are happy in what they are in . I was given good advice long time ago ,if you have a problem with over watering in moss layer it, styrofoam pieces on the bottom, just broken up pieces of the non melting packing type then some Spag . ect till you reach the top with a layer of Spag. like a parfait . Gin

04-02-2008, 05:08 PM
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Thank you Gin, I would have never though of that.
I want to do whats best for my chids and at the same time I feel so bad for what I've put them trhough already, but yes they were overwatered and ironically they seemed happy.
I am at a wait and see stage, I don't want to stress them further than what I have already.
Forgive me for venting, just a little frustration.
But THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU so much for all this advice. 

04-02-2008, 05:11 PM
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Hi, Gin. I use peanuts at the bottom, but it never occurred to me to layer the phag and peanuts thru the pot. Great idea. Thanks for the tip.
Priz, I'm an overwaterer, too. There are claims around that "you can't overwater in S/H". I believed them when I was new, and had to learn the hard way they are not true. You definitely *can* overwater in s/h.
With clean, fresh, fluffy new sphag, it's very easy to know when to water and when to hold back. If you use clear pastic post, moisture beads up on the inside of the pot: don't water. Or use the heft test-- a dry pot feels light.
But no one can tell you what the right medium for you is. You have to discover it by trial and error as we all did. However, my experience has been there is *no* medium which "can't be overwatered", despite claims of advocates.
There's only some media that are easier to "read" for watering needs than others.

04-04-2008, 05:50 PM
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Thank you mehitabel. Right now, my phal on s/h is sphag-n-bagged, I am at a “wait and see” state. the two bottom leaves have turned yellow, they are pretty much goners. I know is directly related to the phal not having viable roots to take up moisture, it still has 4 other healthy looking leaves.
I don't want to repot until I see any type of growth, only then I can make a decision to whether move it back to moss or stick to s/h
As for my other phal, the one in bark, I am waiting for it to stop blooming, I made the huge mistake of repotting, but the root system seemed semi damaged, I think I should've waited, I think I'll just cut off the flower spike, probably repot in moss and hope it gives me a second one.
Any thoughts?

04-05-2008, 01:12 AM
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Hey, priz. My thoughts are just this: Get some root hormone on them. They really do stimulate root growth, and that helps roots form before the leaves finally go.
Rooting powders will do. If you can get Dyna Grow KLN, you can use it to soak the leaves of a rootless or root-damaged phal, and for watering once little root nubs start.
Don't feel too bad-- we've all made beaucoup mistakes starting out. That's how we became experts on reviving rootless orchids 

04-05-2008, 11:54 AM
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Could you show a pic of the plant?

04-07-2008, 04:03 PM
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Thank you mehitable, actually both the phals have been treated with KLN. I am at wait and see state, as for the phal in s/h, the 2 bottom leaves are pretty much dead
I am posting a picture of both the root systems 1st the one potted in s/h and the second, the one in bloom I moved to bark.
Thank you once again for your kind words 
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