Hi everyone!
Well, now I've done it. I bought a 'used' lighting/plant stand.
It has 3 sets of lights which holds two 48" lights each plus two screw-ins for incandenscent/or flourescent bulbs. (one set of lights on each level - 3 levels)
My first question is, should I use one cool and one warm tube? and if so, is 40w sufficient? And, do I need to use the screw-in type incandescent as well? or leave them empty? How many lumens should I be looking for, for each type and what is considered warm? daylight? sunshine? I really need lots of help here.
Also, I need to find something to cover the plant stand with. Someone suggested I use a 'white' plastic as opposed to a clear. Someone else suggested a 2mm clear plastic cover opened at the sides.
I'm new at this so ANY help/tips would be greatly appreciated.
Also, do I have to introduce the orchids slowly to this new lighting system? or just pop them all in and hope for the best? In reading the other forum entries, I'm hearing that the plants should be 4-6" below the lights?
Thanks again everyone!