lusenok |
04-15-2018 12:13 PM |
Barbara, there is no need to freak out. The "phosphor" in fluorescent bulbs is not the same as phosphorous. Phosphor is just a name for light-emitting material that mostly contains calcium oxide with some other rare elements. They can be caustic in large quantities but are easily washable with water. Also CFL bulbs contain about 5 milligram of mercury which is not too much. I don't expect any acute poisoning from this amount. If you ventilate a room you'll be OK. The biggest problem I see is glass shards. I strongly don't recommend to use a vacuum cleaner because it has an air exhaust which blows air outside of appliance and lifts small dust particles throughout the room. It's better to wipe down shards with a wet paper towel (while wearing rubber gloves). That's it.
Source: PhD in Chemistry.