Hey, Phal_momma! Yep, that looks like the upper Midwest! In fact, my phals are in a north facing greenhouse window. They get a touch more light than yours.
You could go a couple of different ways (in my opinion). You could just go buy a couple clip on gro lights and supplement, or you could put an LED strip up high and let it shine down through. You could put some higher light needs plants toward the top.
We have some very knowledgeable people here. They won't agree with this, however we also have a Phal grower who told me that
any extra light is beneficial to all to the plants. For me that has proved true.
Your other option is to understand the guy who gave the lecture also has an opinion, he could be wrong. Your plants are blooming in the dead of a dreary Midwest winter, and that alone is cause for celebration. Good job!!!
If you hang around us, eventually you will be buying lights because you'll want to Branch out. I love these:
SunBlaster LED Strip Light Selection - SunBlaster Lighting
Hang on because you're gonna get a lot of opinions after mine. Lol
If I may ask, where are you in Michigan?