I have my mounted orchids scattered around the grow space...depending on the light needed. I also have 2 designated mount areas where I have "racks" suspended under the hanging lights and the mounts (and some small potted plants) are hanging under them. Works great for my high light mounts!
The lights are HO T5's (6bulb, 4' unit (1st pic) and an 8 bulb, 2' unit (2nd pic))...I used the extra shelves I had from the wire/metal shelving units. One larger than the other. The 4' unit is in a south facing window that gets a LOT of additional light and the 2' unit is in an east facing window and get a good deal of direct morning sun.
Some pics below.
Oh, and my husband built me some watering drain basins where I can water them in place and it drains into a bucket that I empty into the sink. Saves me a LOT of time vs when I used to carry them all to the sink/shower for watering. I'll be doing some watering later and will take pics and post them later, if anyone is interested.