Having a little trouble acclimating plants outdoors & not sure getting enough light inside because my DIGITAL ILLUMINANCE LIGHT METER 200,000 LUX PHOTOMETER LUXMETER PRECISE OVERRANG hasn't showed yet!
Are there any hydroponics shops near you? Talk to them about grow lights.
I bought one of these after being prompted by an engineer in our local orchid society. Three of us now have bought one. It needs careful cleaning but works well. The manual is available online. GOSSEN Panlux electronic Light Meter | eBay
__________________ May the bridges I've burned light my way.
The device seems interesting but the big problem of orchid growers (I mean those who grow plants in the house) is the light. You grow plants to watch them, not to hurt your eyes. Color is harmful to the human eye. Maybe you may find something with many white LEDs, including blue 430nm and red 660nm.
Or, just use HO T5s. It's far more attractive in a living space. Amazon has some good ones at decent prices. I just picked up another 4 lamp unit last week!
6500K LED is good for the vegetative stage, the plants will bloom sporadically. If you want to have flowers you need more red, that is if you take 4000K you have bigger chances to see flowers