Rays LED lights and light meter measurements
My first post on the OB other than my Intro. I have been designing and building a small grow chamber for my orchids. I have decided to utilize just one 27" x 18" shelf for about 6 or 7 orchids. I have 6 Of Ray's LED lights that can be angled and adjusted in several different ways. I decided to purchase a fairly inexpensive, but highly rated light meter on Amazon.
Ray's LED lights seem to be nicely weighted towards the blue end and the red end. Looking at the manual for the Light meter, it seems that it is NOT, by a long ways, linear over the visible spectrum. Please see .pdf attachment.
I was going to use the standard information for light levels found in many places with orchid light info.
900 - 1500 lumens for Phals
1500 - 300 for Onc.
So, am I measuring WAY less light for Ray's LED lights than what the orchids are actually getting?? The meter reads about 600-700 lumens over the Phal, and 1000 or so over the Onc.
Can anybody on the board correlate light meter readings with Ray' Leds?
It would nice to have a multiplier for the meter readings, correlated to Ray's lights.
Any information regarding this would be appreciated.
I wanted to utilize only Ray's LEDs for their low heat output, and the ability to have 6 of them that are fully adjustable. Initial reading brought the in-tent ambient of 68 degrees to only 73 when I turned on 4 lights and zipped up the tent.
Thanks in advance for any information on this subject.