Need Help Choosing GU10 Bulbs and a T5 for Indoor, Low Light Growth
Hey everyone, this weekend I was gifted a rather expensive, large (30") light hood. It's pretty great because it has a built in timer, switches for all the lights and is super heavy duty.
It has outputs for three GU10 style bulbs and one T5.
I have only every used Grow Lights that have just a regular screw in socket, so I can't use those lights in this fixture. So I was hoping to get some help. I'd prefer to buy local as opposed to ordering the bulbs online. I have a hydroponics store nearby as well as the usual standards (Walmart, IKEA, RONA, Homedepot).
I will be growing not just orchids under it, but also most of my african violets (so if anyone knows light needs of those, that information would be appreciated).
The species of orchid that will be growing under it:
2 NoID Phalaenopsis
1 Neof. falcata
1 P. Purple Martin
1 Angcm. sesquipedale
1 Howeara Lava Burst 'Puanani' AM/AOS
Of course, if one or two plant's needs are not compatible with those of the others I can move them either further from the lights or give them a different setup. But I need a configuration that will generally work for all the plants.
So the biggest requirements are that the bulbs have a GU10 output. And I have room in the fixture for a single 30" T5.
What i'd like from you guys its some configuration ideas.
I'm thinking I want Full Spectrum bulbs, but at the same time with three outputs, would three different types of light be better? Or is it best to just use a T5 bulb and leave the other sockets empty? How high up should the fixture be from the plants?
Thanks a lot! I'm still unfamiliar with a lot of this stuff and seeing that that fixtures in the hood were all GU10s really threw me off cause I had intended to just use my screw in grow lights!
Oh conditions wise: I live in a basement and where the plants are going there is practically zero natural light. There is a window in the bedroom where I can place some of the orchids but i'd prefer to have most under the lights if possible to leave the window space open for some of my other plants.