The energy we use on plants is such a small amount compared to the wasted gas and other infrastructure, I know my 400-700watts I use aren't going to waste, they're producing something wonderful. I'm limited to my 2 computers and plants on one circuit, so that's my limiting factor, 15 amps = 1650 watts... I bought a P3 energy meter, and have been going around measuring different things... Computer = 250watts
I use about 250watts for my small 2x2x4 foot fixture, fans, pumps, lights everything. I have a 100w metal halide, and 2x 36w compact fluorescents, about 6 fans which aren't always on, but are about 10 watts each.
Now on my BIG tank I am building, I'm plotting out about a 700watt budget, 500 watts for lights, and 200 for fans, pumps, humidifiers etc...
I have energy efficient lighting everywhere, so my largest bulb is a 100watts, and that is bright enough to light our entire kitchen/living room. We live in NYC and pay about 23c per kwh
If you're going to get an artificial light to supplement, to get the most out of it, get a really good reflector. You don't have to get big lights, but keep the lights as close as possible to the plants as light drops off exponentially in relation to distance. I use a 100w Metal Halide fixture and that grows a good 2x2 area to high light levels... Good reflectors make the difference in efficiency.
Last edited by Ocelaris; 02-03-2008 at 01:56 AM..