Hygrolon cylinder - update after two years
Hygrolon cylinder update - this is the project that has started in 2013. Many orchids are thriving, others did not like the hygrolon so much. This is the update 2 years after:
Hofmeisterella eumicroscopica - from some 8 pieces I got some 6 months ago this is the only one that survived and has new roots + new leaf growing.
Brachionidium ballatrix - this one came 6 months ago and I thought it is pretty much dead, surprisingly there is new leaf now.
Masdevallia herradurae - one of the first inhabitants on the cylinder, growing well for two years.
Masdevallia erinacea - another one that is growing on hygrolon for past two years, getting bigger and bigger
Pleurothallis dressleri - this was my very first one, originally over 20 leaves, today over 100 leaves and blooming many times a year.
Porpax lanii - well, it grows, but has never bloomed.
Lepanthopsis astrophora - grows great, sprwading with keikis all over the cylinder.
Acostaea costarricensis - growing on hygrolon for past two years, and in spike many times a year.
Scaphosepalum rapax - growing excellent past two years, spread quite a bit, in spike pretty much whole year.
Lepanthes calodictyon - this one is really not so happy on the cylinder, but for past two years it is still growing. Leaves are very red, so I assume too much light. Unfortunately it is impossible to remove from hygrolon, so this guy must suffer.
Bulbophyllum rosary beats - grows great past two years spreading slowly on the bottom of the cylinder.
Pleurothallis calyptrostele - grows great past two years, bloomed only once last year.
Pleurothallis peperomioides - grows well over the year, but no blooms. I read this one is very hard to bring to bloom, will see.
Pleurothallis alata - grows excellent past two years, in spike most of the year.
Trichosalpinx chamaelepanthes - it's spreading like a liana all over the cylinder
Last edited by TOMMYMIAMI; 08-19-2016 at 11:41 PM..