If money is no issue, then the ebb and flow trays with drainage sounds like the best idea.
...However, if you need to consider a budget, and not a very small one, here's what I've done.
By far, the best deal on the stainless steel shelving, is Costco. You get a 5 shelf unit, with wheels. I like the wheels, because I sometimes shift them a couple of inches, for maintenance and or cleaning. I only install 3 of the shelves, top, bottom, and middle so right now, I have a surplus of about 5 or 6 extra shelves. I have found some special stainless steel hooks, specifically designed for this shelving. They allow you to hook your extra shelves onto existing units, giving you additional shelf space.
I found some very porous 12 x 12 tile at a building liquidation store, and together with my $89 tile saw from Home Depot, cut them to perfectly fit the shelves, even cut out round notches in the corners, so they would fit around the poles. I mist every day, sometimes twice a day. Mostly the roots, and the tiles. All my cattleyas have bloomed under lights this year.
I rigged up a single pulley on one end, and a double on the other, below the top and center shelves. Using 1/4 inch para-cord, I can raise and lower my T5 HO lights.
I have two parallel rows of shelving. I've used the stainless steel hooks to attach a top, and center shelf between two units at one end. I've also used those hooks to hang a shelf sideways, creating a grid-wall, on which I can hang orchids. Instead of rigging the pulley system, which takes up about 6 inches, I have an 8 lamp T5 HO unit sitting on top of the shelf, and I hang orchids underneath as close to the light source as I wish. On the shelf underneath the hanging orchids, I place orchids that need less light.
Watering is a challenge as I have industrial carpeting and no drainage in the basement. To overcome this, during the winter, and for all my indoor orchids, I only fertilize 3 or 4 times a year. all the pots sit in saucers, and I water sparingly and often. My cats are in tera cotta pots, and love that I spray the roots and pots every day, sometimes twice a day. I water the cats with about a 1/2 a cup twice a week, and pour out what accumulates in the saucer.
My Phals are in sphagnum, and they are kept moist by a twice weekly watering and daily
misting schedule.

Looking for a misting system? Look no further. Automated misting systems from MistKing are used by multitude of plant enthusiasts and are perfect for Orchids. Systems feature run dry pumps, ZipDrip valve, adjustable black nozzles, per second control! Automatically mist one growing shelf or a greenhouse full of Orchids. See MistKing testimonials |