very pretty, can you tell me how often you water the hygrolon? you let dry hygrolon or keep constantly moist.
thank you very much
Miguel, I actually mist it twice a day, because there is a fan running on the top of the vase, it dries out in between morning and evening. During this time in between waterings it is moist all the time, never completely dry. I turn off the fan for the night.
Is Hofmeisterella eumicroscopica still doing well?
naoki, the large one that you see on the picture died within a weeks, and so did 99% of them (as Marni told me, every time she gets them, they all die within 3-4 weeks) However, the smallest piece I got is on this cylinder and it is growing fantastic, it has 2 new roots slowly growing to hygrolon, so keeping my fingers crossed :-)
naoki, the large one that you see on the picture died within a weeks, and so did 99% of them (as Marni told me, every time she gets them, they all die within 3-4 weeks) However, the smallest piece I got is on this cylinder and it is growing fantastic, it has 2 new roots slowly growing to hygrolon, so keeping my fingers crossed :-)
That's interesting that a smaller one is doing better. I hope that it will keep growing!