Thanks Grandma M, that site does have pretty good prices. Did you get the correct fittings this weekend?
That's a huge improvement Ross, I'm still torn as to the T-5 vs. MH... cost wise. I've been reading up on T-5 vs. MH. I am a MH DIY ragabond, so it's hard for me to be pulled away from all of the tinkering with MH for a Plug and play T-5 system. I'm wondering if I could expect double of the light you have from a an 8 bulb system, since at 2 feet you're at 700 fc, I'd be happy with 1400 fc.
I never posted what my measurements with a decent reflector and 100w MH bulb did... it's covered in 2 tubes (it passes through 2 tubes to get out), so it's actually not a great setup, but it's plenty of light for my small 18" wide x 18" deep x ~24" tall setup.
at the bulb it is 12,500 fc
6" down it is 2,500 fc
12" down it's 850 fc
18" down it's 500 fc
My vanda/asc princess mikasa is about 8" down, which has about 1400 fc and is doing great... so, although the normal recommendation is for more light for them, but I think it's fine if I get that amount to all of them.
I found a good thread on the coral reef forums, apparently there is a good article coming out by Dr. Sanjay Joshi comparing the two in a head to head battle... not out yet if you check the last page (20) but I'll be sure to post when it's out.
Whenever I get into looking at new lighting systems, the price just keeps getting ratcheted up and up and up!!! gah... just means It gets delayed as I save more $$$.
Reef Central Online Community - T5s vs. MH... What would be the ultimate faceoff?
The big point in that thread is that optics makes a big difference in the systems, the tek systems being the best bargain, but not necessarily the best optics... then I think the new wave is a step up... and it ends up being a never ending spiralling cost to get the best... I think I may just toss in the 150 and 100watt metal halides I already have and see how they do... do a "scaled" upgrade, or maybe just sell those systems... Probably by the time I am ready to get the lights Sanjay's article will be out...