Okay sorry to pull this thread back up!

So I'm just curious - how is it that the MH drops from 12,500fc at the bulb to 850fc at 1 ft away, whereas the T5s only drop from 2900fc to 1500fc at 1ft away? Is it a result of the MH being a point source versus the T5s where the length of the tube emitting light 'adds' to itself?
The reason I ask is that I'm setting up 2 encosures - one that's relatively taller which I hope to use the MH bulbs I have (and that oclearis totally helped me out on), and one that's shallower which I hope to get the T5s Ross recommended.
I'm realizing now that I'm doing more indepth research what a huge bag of worms this entire lighting thing is, and all the controversy there is surrounding this topic. Being poor that I am, I don't have the luxury to try different things so I want to be sure.
I was reading on another forum that for price purposes, people even go with T8 lights and overdrive them...besides the fact that wiring stuff scares me, I'm not really too keen on this since I feel like the lumens/watt go down, despite the fact that you're getting brighter light.