I grow under lights in a room I built in my basement this past Autumn. Most of the BS and NBS plants are under a 400 w HPS light, seedlings under 4 x 2' t5s, getting a new LED for my NBS roths in the mail tomorrow.
The list:
Catasetum Dagny (6) BS
Cycnoches cooperi BS
Cycnodes Chiriqui BS
Dendrobium spectabile seedling
Fdk. After Dark BS
Mexipedium xerophyticum 'Oaxaca' division
Mormodia Leopard Drops x *Donna Wise seedling
Mormodia Leopard Drops 'Prscilla's Pink Panther' AM/AOS division
Paph delenatii x sib (Giant x Black Foliage) BS
Paph haynaldianum (Orchid Inn x Jackie AM/AOS) NBS*
Paph hirsutissimum v. esquirolei (3) seedling
Paph kolopakingii seedling (Taiwan breeding)
Paph kolopakingii (Jamboree HCC/AOS x Jeanie's Green Giant) NBS
Paph kolopakingii (Riopelle FCC/AOS x self) NBS
Paph rothschildianum (GV x DF) BS
Paph roth ('Gigantic' FCC/AOS x 'Perfection' FCC/AOS) seedling
Paph roth ('Black Diamond' x 'Atticus' AM/AOS) seedling
Paph roth*('Saltin Pepper' x 'Western*
Monarch' FCC/OZ) NBS
Paph roth*('Imperial Wings' SM/JOGA x 'Titanic' GM/JOGA) NBS
Paph roth ('Imperial Wings' SM/JOGA x 'Perfection' GM/JOGA) NBS
Paph roth*('Revolution' B/CSA x 'Mont Millais' FCC/ RHS FCC/AOS) NBS
Paph sanderianum x sib seedling
Paph stonei ('MBG' x 'Jean') seedling
Paph venustum v measureianum (compot)
Paph (Kolosand x Angel Hair) seedling
Paph (gigantifolium 'Dark Warrior' x kolopakingii 'Jamboree' HCC/AOS) NBS
Paph (stonei 'Jean' x Kolosand 'Windy Hill' HCC/AOS) NBS
Paph. Bel Royal (kolopakingii 'Jamboree' HCC/AOS x rothschidianum 'New Dimension') BS
Paph Cereal Killer (Apple Jack 'Windy Hill' HCC/AOS x Zephyrus Grand Macabre 'Burgundy Glow' AM/AOS) NBS
Paph Greta Kooiker*(Shin-Yi's Pride 'Windy Hill' AM/AOS x parishii 'Green Spiders') NBS*
Paph Lady Isabel (stonei 'The Best' x roth 'Gigantic' FCC/AOS) BS*
Paph Magic Lantern (compot)
Paph Prince Edward of York (30+/- in compots)
Phrag Inca Embers 'Windy Hill' AM/AOS division BS*
Phrag Jason Fischer seedling
Phal NOID (2) BS
Phal Madeline Hayden BS
Vanilla planifolia v variegata (12" cutting)
The pics: