Too much light?
I started growing in September of 2012 and was having trouble blooming things. I had one 4' 4 bulb T5 with seedlings and a couple of mature Brassavola nodosas under it. The B. nodosas bloomed. Everything else - dens, phals, oncs, pahps - were set way outside the rack with lights and did not bloom.
SO . . . recently bought 2 more 4' 4 bulb T5s and a big rack, and put EVERYTHING under it and the older T5. Now, some of my phals on the lower "medium height" level (for medium height plants, leaves about 6" from lights) are turning a weird rust color. Other phals do not seem fazed and the paphs seem fine. In addition, a species onc is turning orange. Does the weird rust color and orange color mean they are getting too much light now? Here are some pics. The upper rack - for "tall height" plants - seems fine: dens and oncs, mostly. The concerning ones are on that lower rack.