Everyone has different ways they have solved the issues with growing under lights. Here's my solution:
The exterior pic shows a 6' x 6' hobby greenhouse in my basement. I raised it 18" to give some headroom. In the foreground is a humidifier made from a 5 disc terrarium fogger, and controlled by a humidistat.
The interior pic shows 2x 4 foot 8 tube T5 HO fixtures. They fit in place of the roof panels nicely. The interior is lined with reflective mylar. I still have plenty of room.
If I were doing it over, I would use Cree LED bulbs from HD. You can't beat the cost per lumen.
That looks good. At first I thought you might be losing some light intensity having the fixtures angled in the roof, but the reflective mylar probably helps. Your country shows Saint-Lucia, can't you grow outdoors all year?
By the way, Welcome!