Alrighty, let me know what you guys think!! We grabbed some bare stainable wood and so forth from Lowes. It's not the prettiest thing, but we have been trying to find something to put in that huge corner gap by our TA DA!

Now as long as my cats don't climb from the end table up to the orchids...O___________O
I measured the recommended distances from the top of the plants leaves, was that correct? (i.e. the lights are 6-12" from the top of the leaves as opposed to the pot itself). Do these look adequate/correct distance for what is up there? L to R is a Dendrobium Phal, Beallara, 3 Cattleya hybrds, and then up front is phals (I have 4 minis, and the big cork log on the left has a full sized NoID); I actually decided to mount one of my minis on that cork log too after the fact, lol.
The heating vent is about 4 feet or so under that board, and off to the right by probably two feet (it's directly behind the end table you see in the photos). Our curtains are insulated, too, so they shouldn't get any draft from the windows (part of why we wanted to get them lights and out of the window - we have discovered our windows are particularly drafty

What do you think? And -- How long do I turn the lights on during the day??