I'm trying to comparative shop some lights. Fluorescent tube styles are pretty much out of the running, I can’t hang/mount them and I've never like them in normal use anyways. MH, halogens and incandescent are out because of the heat (the plants and I share space and I don't like hot, they are getting heat mats) and operating cost. And the freaky grow lights are out because they are FREAKY!
Leaving LEDs and CFLs. I've changed all the household lights to LEDs, I like them. CFLs are a great improvement from fluorescent tube lighting. I'd like to try Ray's LED but I have to find a lamp that works with it (Ikea's Tertial is NOT sold at my Ikea

Measurements from what I have on hand:
lm/package Max/fc fc 6” from bulb
CFL 13W 800 6500 500
LED 13W 950 8.5k 500
LED 8.5W 400 10k 450
Each are from different manufacturers and the 13W LED is directed outward (most intense) so not really a fair comparason. Anyway...Until I can find a lamp that would work with Ray’s LEDs (no, I am not hanging one of those work lights)...*sigh*...
I know Ray’s LED light is arrayed on a plane so the same measurements won’t mean anything but can someone please take a fc measurement at 12” distance? How much does a 12” distance cover? TIA.
ANY ideas offered will be appreciated as well.
---------- Post added at 08:32 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:22 PM ----------
And I just saw Naoki's
---------- Post added at 08:47 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:32 PM ----------
Just skimmed the other thread. Not sure there is a answer there. LoL
There is at least one opinion that corresponds to my operating theory on light. Quantity of photons is what is important. In the past, I have provided longer exposure duration since I can't provide intensity.