I am a Led grow lights salsman. Just do this job for about 10 days.

but I don't know what's the effect of Led lights on orchid. and I post here is not for advertisement, but just want to know if the led lights is useful for orchid.
Ocelaris, You do a good work, very professional!!! I have read your post - Why LEDs make bad plant lights? There are two points which maybe right before, but now Led lights has been improved .
first, about emission spectrum of Led, we can provide wavelength of 430nm, 450nm, 640nm, 660nm.
second, the more powerful led light have been made, it use 10mm LEDs.
These two points have been resolved, but I have a problem if just these wavelengths are enough. Our company crow about this new prodcut very much, but I want to the fact. Does anyone use the Led light?
Details of the new product:
Super Power LED growing light
wWave length: Blue lamp:430-450
wRed lamp:625-660
wLED QTY: B:28pcs R:84 10mm
wWorking Voltage: 12V or 110V/220V
wPower: 56W