Originally Posted by Wild Orchid
I use floor and table lamps with flexible necks when placing plants on the lower tables (usually in the winter time.) Not always a perfect situation. Sometimes plants are just in the circle of light rather than directly under the light.
Also, while the spike is growing, usually the amount of light they get is just enough. And once it's long enough and buds starts opening, the plant no longer needs the intense lighthing, so I remove the Phal from the direct light source and give others room for growing.
I don't know if that's helpful but.. that's what I do. Will be interested to hear other members' solutions.
Thank you for the input. I will have to work on a better set up for my plants if I am going to leave them in the house. I just don't get enough sunlight here. To many trees around. I like the shade but it sure does put a damper on growing things. Hopefully will be moving before to long and my new place will have plenty of light. Just hope it has enough windows. One question though why is it that they don't need as much light while in bloom? I always thought plants needed more light when they are blooming because of all the energy that is being used. That doesn't seem to be the case with orchids from what I have read. But no one has said why that is. would love to understand this.