But to reach the conclusion that it may not be very relevent to orchids, you needed to have this discussion first! I still think it's interesting to read these sort of papers, but then again I'm a science rat.
One funny thing though, I had never heard of the group that published the paper though they are from my university, and it turns out that they are 3 floors above me! lol
__________________ Camille
Completely orchid obsessed and loving every minute of it....
Thanks for having this discussion, guys. I am very behind the curve on technical plant matters but I agree that it's good to discuss/debate these things in public. If nothing else it's a great reminder of how wondrously amazing plant physiology and evolution are!
Oh, and Camille maybe you should ask these folks to do some similar studies on orchids? Though I'd guess that research into plant physiology is easier to get funded if it pertains to food crops rather than ornamentals...
Last edited by gnathaniel; 06-21-2012 at 11:08 AM..