I am already starting to prepare for the winter gloom, and the biggest problem for me is light. It turns out that I need to supplement light during the winter. I don't know what bulb to use. The 900 lumen, 60 W halogen bulb emits more blue light than regular incandescent. Or the 1600 lumen, 26 W compact daylight flourescent emits red, green, blue, and purple light. I tested them both out with a light meter, and the halogen bulb emits a maximum of 5000 foot candles while the CFL emits a maximum of 3000 foot candles and for the CFL the intensity drops rapidly after few inches (intensity drops to 300 fc.) from the bulb while the halogen bulb keeps its intensity (or drops slowly) even farther from bulb ( has intensity around 1500 fc. from the same distance measured for the CFL). Which bulb should I use?