I finally broke down and bought this Light Meter. Not expensive, but dang-blasted confusing to read and understand. Does anyone out there have this Light Meter? Perhaps you can help me with this thing....
If you are in a low light situation put it on 500 and read the proper scale, sun/ high intensity or fluorescent. If it goes off the scale on 500, switch to 5000 and read the proper scale. It's a bit confusing at first and the lack of directions can make you scratch your head. I've had mine for about a year or so and it helps with where to put what under lights.
I have the same one as you and I use it a lot. The lower setting really comes in handy for those plants growing under lights, as a few cms. can already make a difference. You'll also be very surprised at how big a difference in light levels you can get on overcast days or when there is a snow cover.