I just cant take it anymore I have to know what I have.
We use Amprobe/Fluke meters and stuff like that at work. I asked the "probe guy rep" if he had light meters and of course he says we do
The Fluke was too expensive and more overkill than this one

Amprobe LM 100
* Measure in Lux or Footcandles, front panel switchable
* Measuring Range to 20,0000 Lux or Foot candles
* Silicon photo-diode sensor and filter
* Data Hold to freeze reading on the digital display
* MIN / MAX ability to show high and low readings
* Auto Power Off to save battery life
* Includes protective sensor cap
* Large, 3-1/2 digit display
around 80 bucks I gave up and traded 2 orchids

but you can get them over the web at around 94- 101 dollars..
"dont think,,,, KNOW"