the storage closet is going to become my little grow closet now. didnt know how to go about what I wanted to do with it..Its small 6 ft wide 2.5 ft deep and 8ft high..
found an 8 lamp T5 and half a case of 5000k spectrum a RESALE shop..they had a little tablesaw and forget about the tablesaw when I saw the light
25 bucks plus tax..
and Wow the light is blazing with 8 5000k lamps in it..a lot warmer than I thought also...raised temp from 77 to 86 in a few hours and stabilized there...Put a fan on them and temp dropped back to 79.8 which is more acceptable
shot from the floor...
you see I have mixed now 3000k and 5000k lamps, much better. I dont think Im going to need the 6500k lamps afterall. Im going to install a switch that lets me choose 5000k or 3000k or all lights as the ballast are wired for using 2 lights in each bank or all 4 of them..sounds easy hey? should see the wires stuffed in this like a snakeden...
I dont know but this light is pretty intense. way underestimated the light output of it completely..plants on top shelf are about 20 inches off light and might be too close but the leaves after a few hours were not hot but I could feel the heat at that point...hmmm...right now I dont need the heat but when it gets colder I will bec I dont have heat in my home..I don't like heated air as it makes people sick and its hard to breathe.
going to line the closet with Cedar and work on getting the light permanently installed after that...might have to put AC in it now too

..already have a hole cut in the wall for a fan