This is one of those odd things... because we seem to be told that east facing is dimmer than west facing... and I don't actually know why.
As UKCat says, it should be the same, just the other side of the day but I'm 90% sure that it's NOT the same, that west is brighter. Must relate to the path the sun takes arround the sky, OR is it because afternoon sun is hitting a warmer atmosphere (having been heated though the day) and so less energy is absorbed as it comes through to us.

It's one of the things that I've always believed without
actually understanding.
It will also depend on the exact angle. It's very unlikely to be due west, if it's angling a bit more south you would get more light than if it's angling a bit more north.
Hmm... I'm not helping, I think the problem is that it can depend on many things.