Beallara's are low light, intermediate-to-cool orchids and are (IMO) quite easy to grow. They are taller than phals and paph's, though, so space might be an issue.
I am currently using a metal rack that is 48" long and 72" tall that I purchased from Costco. They also sell 3-foot shelving systems, too, if you don't have that much space. I have 48" T8 lights on 4 of the shelves and use the bottom shelf for storage. I purchased the T8 fixtures and bulbs from a big box hardware store. I don't notice that these lights increase the temperature too much, and they seem to provide the lighting that my Phals and Beallaras like. I also have a few clip fans attached to the shelves to help move the air and disperse the heat.
Oscarman has great advice on enclosing 3 sides of the shelving unit to increase humidity, especially if you have the plants sitting on drip/humidity trays. I personally don't like the idea of enclosing the whole unit...I have air movement concerns with that idea, but that's just me.
Good luck setting up your growing area! I think it's a great idea to have them where you can enjoy them the most. Mine are stuck upstairs in my guest room (best lighting and I can close the door to keep the cats away from the orchids), so I have to make a special trip to see them!