I recently moved, and unfortunately, I chose an apartment that never gets sunlight. Ever. Sad, I know, and bad news for my orchids. My Dad had a grow light, and he rigged up a PVC frame for me to hang it from. I believe the bulbs are T12s, but here's a link to all the specs:
mySylvania Product Catalog
I'm using 2 bulbs. My question is, how does this setup look? I have 2 phals (on either end in pics), the tall one is a dendrobium, and the smallest is a cattleya. (Ignore the middle plant. It's a fuschia and I couldn't bring myself to throw it out so I stuck it under there.) I realize they all need diff. levels of light, but do you think this will cover all their needs? Does the light need to be closer to the shorter plants? And how long to I leave it on? I've had it on for 3 hours a day for a few weeks now. Thanks for your help, again, I'm new to this whole light-growing scheme!