Setting up small growing area with lights
It’s time to bring the orchids indoors, and I’ve outgrown my window growing area in my small “garden” room. I’m establishing a small growing area under CFLs in my exercise room, and would like very much to hear thoughts/advise on my plans.
I bought a 48” x 18” x 72” wired shelving unit from Sam’s Club. I’m only using 5 of the 6 shelves. The bottom shelf will hold a 2” deep drip pan, custom made to fit the shelf. The next shelf is right above that and will hold plants. The next two shelves are placed relatively center, with the bottom one for another drip pan and the one right above for plants. I ordered two 4ft, 4 lamp, High Output Fluorescent fixtures. One will hang from the top shelf and the other will hang from the center drip-pan shelf. I ordered two 6” clip-on fans to blow across each of the two plant shelves. I’m wondering if I need to get something to provide additional humidity, like a humidifier/fogger? If so, any recommendations for this type of setup? For ease of watering, I'm thinking of getting a portable, pressure sprayer with a wand. Anything I'm doing wrong or forgetting? Thanks in advance for feedback and suggestions!