Hi folks,
I have 4 phals that I've bought inside for the winter (here in Down Under OZ land) and will be placing them on a shelf under a 150 Watts Metal Halide light fixture.
The surface area of the shelf is 120cm long by 30cm wide and the height from the shelf to the MH fixture about 60cm.
I'm putting them into hydroton/perlite to sit in a shallow tray of water fed by a
Smart Valve MK2 and resevoir above (so watering is automated), with a heat mat underneath for supplemental heating and if it reaches the MH ballast will sit under the shelf adding heat too when the lights turned on.
The MH fixture has a globe in it at the moment that produces a very blue light which is not aesthetically pleasing and is over a year old anyway so I thought I'd replace it.
I have a choice between a
6000K or
8000K globe and at the moment I'm leaning towards the 6000K partly because it's cheaper

, also the store said it had a bit more yellow in it which I thought would look nicer and the 8000K has double getter technology (translate one more getter than normal ?) but I don't know if
getters would actually be making any difference long term in the output of the light (that supposedly dimishes over time) or if they would just increase the lifespan of the globe while the effectiveness of it would still decline?
Without opening a can of worms

I'd like opinions on which would be better or even indeed if the 150 MH will be sufficient enough light for the phals to not only grow but also bloom or too much light?